
Verena Fric, MSc - Ergo Physio

“I would not want to do without working with sophyapp any more”.

Before I put together the training plans and exercises for my patients using sophyapp, I had to record each exercise with my clients via video on my mobile phone and write it up in an extra Excel file.


Individual training plans

sophyapp makes it possible to put together individual exercise plans and have everything on one platform. This gives patients and me a great overview of the current exercise programme. It can be continuously adjusted and is automatically documented in my practice software (treatsoft).


Enthusiastic patients with high motivation

The patients are also enthusiastic and it increases their motivation to do the exercises regularly. In addition, the patient’s performance of the exercises and how he or she feels afterwards can be continuously documented and this process is also reflected in my documentation.

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More time through rapid access

Another helpful tool is the compilation of exercise programmes that can be accessed quickly and then only need to be slightly adapted individually. This makes planning much more efficient.

Last but not least, the unique selling point should be emphasised that own exercises can also be fed into the programme in a very uncomplicated way and thus the exercise repertoire becomes infinitely large.


Test sophyapp yourself now and try out all the functions

Do you also want to increase your treatment success, further strengthen the trust of your customers and generally raise your efficiency to a new level? Then try sophyapp for 30 days free of charge, without any commitment and without any hidden costs. Simply fill out the form and let’s go!

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